Gone Blonde

by - 6:04:00 AM

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Hello readers!! Just a quick post before I sleep... I just changed my hair color!!!

I took the risk having the thought that blonde won't look good with my skin color. Well, fortunately when  bleached my hair, I received positive feedbacks!! But this is not the real plan actually, supposedly the color is something wild. I won't tell you the color yet because Ive decided that since they say I look good with blonde Id have the other colors dyed at the bottom. Hello OMBRE!!

I'd post another photo when Im done. But first.. tell me what you think?

Oh and before I forget, I'll be featuring one of my fashion inspirations in my next blog.. she's gorgeous SWEAR! 


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  1. LOVE it!!!!! It's suits you so well honey. You look gorgeous, and I mean gorgeous!

  2. The blonde really brings out your skin tone;ppp Nice color choice, girl.

    Joua, www.jouatotherescue.com


Thank you so much for checking on my posts! I appreciate every comments made! Love yah!

